Semiconductors & Electric Vehicles
Resinous floor and wall coatings for industrial production and cleanroom environments, engineered at the intersection of high-tech and heavy industry
Tailored for tech
Keeping critical path activities on track is how builders stay on-time and on-budget. That’s especially important in the new construction of chip plants, EV factories, data centers, and other tech-centric spaces.
But too often, specifiers and coating contractors get stuck settling for what’s available instead of what’s best.
Dudick provides custom protective coating systems that offer superior performance in industrial service as well as low-emission products meeting the rigorous ChemTrace and Exyte micro-contamination benchmarks for cleanroom semiconductor manufacturing.
Why partnership matters
The breadth of activities inside computer chip plants, data centers, and electric vehicle manufacturing facilities proves that one size cannot fit all for floor and wall protection when high-tech and heavy industry blend into one.
Often, these facilities require multiple protective coating systems. Some systems must withstand abusive service and heavy traffic. Others must be formulated to prevent outgassing and emitting VOCs that can corrupt cleanroom processes.
With the right partner, it is easier to navigate what can be a daunting decision—especially for new construction projects with aggressive schedules and hard deadlines.

Guidance from subject matter experts
As industry and government team up to make unprecedented capital investments in EV manufacturing capacity, automakers have responded with aggressive construction schedules.
With all that concrete comes the threat of water vapor transfer (WVT), putting pressure on specifiers to recommend mitigation solutions that keep the critical path intact. They can be successful if they think creatively—and engage early with subject matter experts.